Here Are Some Possibilities…

Community Assistance Program (CAP)

      • Finding it hard to make ends meet?

      • Had an unexpected bill that has caused financial stress?

      • Lost your job and need a little help?

    CAP (Community Assistance Program) may be able to help you. HFMC has set aside some resources to help people within our catchment area during those times of unexpected financial challenge. Working independently or in conjunction with Southern Frontenac Community Services Corporation we want to lend a hand during some of those stressful times.

    By completing a confidential Financial Needs Assessment (FNA) with individuals or couples we try to determine if there are some ways we can help. The FNA is an important tool to help determine the true needs during financial stress or crisis.

    Some of the outcomes may result in help with food, medicine, or some other practical ways as needs are determined.

    If you are dealing with financial stress and think we might be able to help, please send a
    request to

    Pastoral Care and Spiritual Guidance

        • Looking for spiritual guidance?

        • Trying to figure out some of the “stuff” of life?

        • Needing a listening ear and a caring heart?

      At HFMC we want to be there to help you journey through the things of life and to help equip you with the tools needed to grow and develop in your relationship with God and others.

      Whether you need to be part of a loving, caring group; sit one on one with a member of the pastoral team; have someone spend time praying with you; or just have a friend who is there to listen–we want to help.

      If any of these things represent a need in your life right now, please contact the church office by phone (613-372-1238) or email ( and Marcia will connect you with the right person; or you may stop by and we will see what we can do.